
Friday, 20 January 2012


So, my information project is done and handed in, and I have 2 weeks of relative freedom, during which I have to get an idea of what projects I want to do next! This was our last set project ever (I think), from now on we'll have a lot more freedom, yay :o...

This project ended up as a set of three, double sided accordion booklets, which would come in a slipcase (the very bottom picture). I only illustrated one of the booklets, and there is a surprise mandrill in another one of the books (because I love their faces so much)! I like to imagine the monkeys on a long branch would make a nice wall decoration or something...

I feel like I developed my style quite a bit during this project as well... it's funny how drawing something different can make you look at the way you work in a shiny new way, hmmm.


  1. Fan-flipping-tastic! I love it Ella, keep up the great work :) I wish the book were real, I'd snap it up!

    1. Thank you :D I hope your presentation went well!

  2. wow woow.. thanks for following my blog.. your art is awesome.. you have deviantart?

    1. Thanks :) no active Deviantart reaaally... I find it hard enough to remember to update my blog haha.
